The link above is a peer-reviewed journal article that talks about climate change in the tropical rain-forests of Australia

A picture of some the natural vegetation of Australia

Average Monthly Temperature in Celsius

Annual Precipitation Map

- As you can see in the image above, Australia has quite a few different climate regions.
- I find it interesting how two completely different climates (desert and tropical) are so close to each other in Northern Australia.
One natural event that occurs in Australia, mainly the Outback is that there are droughts. The article below goes more int detail about it.

Transportation map of Australia
- Notice on the transportation map how there are no roads that lead through the Outback.
- I wonder if this helps preserve the natural Outback since there is less access to it.

Political Map of Australia
- Australia is divided into 6 states: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia.
- Australia also has 2 territories: The Northern territory and The Australian Capital Territory.

Topographic Map of Australia
- The Great Barrier Reef is just of the North-Eastern coast of Australia.
- It spans for over 2000 kilometers.
More specifically the Outback and the Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier reef is located off the east coast of Australia.
The Great Barrier reef is located off the east coast of Australia.
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